Blogisode 1 (Pilot) – Land of the Nomins

This is the first of a series of blogisodes in this story.  Each new blogisode will continue the story where this one completes.  Expect a new blogisode several times a week.  What’s a blogisode?  See here.

There are many legends of how the great lands of Carnin came to be.  Great legends of kings, warriors, battles and defeats.  Each his own tale of vanquishing their enemies in the name of their great nation.  Five great kings arose from the chaos, tasked with the care of Carnin.  They formed a deadly allegiance, causing fear to grip the enemies of the land.  Each king was a great warrior of skill, so fearsome with their weapon of choice that combined they knew no equal.  These kings, as their combined being, fought great battles against spirit and physical armies that sought to tear control of Carnin from their hands.  Many claimed to be followers, prophets and seers from outside forces yet none could tear the rein from the control.  Their armies were numberless, their wrath without mercy.

But, despite their power combined, the weakness of their humanity gripped each soul.  The kings soon found themselves not at war to defend the world of Carnin, but of the lands they felt ownership of.  Suddenly soldier turned on soldier, king on king, and the great plains of Carnin grew red with the blood of the slain.  No king could emerge victorious nor could they be completely beaten back.  Wars amongst each raged for years until nations formed, followers gathered and the kings reigned over land they claimed their own.  The kings, blessed with a thousand lives, lived on through the generations of those devoted to them.  In each kingdom they were worshipped as gods.

The people of Leanigothia, under King Leanigoth, had become expert bowmen.  Their arrows are made of materials known only to them rendering their enemies armor useless.  The accuracy of the Leanigothia bowmen was both feared and revered among the other nations.  Archers often mimicked the fighting style of the Leanigothians, causing the very same to hone their craft more.  The king himself is the most feared archers of all.  His eyesight is as sharp as an eagle, his arms as strong as the legs of a horse.  His strength and sigh allow him to avoid any direct contact.  If a soldier stops for but a moment in the sight of King Leanigoth if will be his last pause.  The King is a lean man, not large when compared with many warriors or farmers.  His size deceives his enemies though.  A bowman of his skill has great strength and endurance.

King Gorbisgoth and his people are known too for their range.  The arrows of the Leanigothians have often fallen to the spears of the Gorbisgothians.  Long, light and made from the best of the Sargonian trees.  The Gorbisgothian soldiers train after their king, a man who takes physical training as seriously as he does combat training.  King Gorbisgoth is agile, muscular and strong.  His people are a proud one and through industry found great prosperity in the forests of the south.  The Gorbisgothians are driven by their egos and the wars they fight are fruit of it.

No unlike the people of Gorbisgothia, the kingdom of Tobisgothia have discovered the strength of the Sargonian tree.  In Tobisgothia knowledge is power.  King Tobisgoth is not a man of strength or power.  His small figure casts no fear into the hearts of great warriors.  His speed with the staff, however, is blinding.  A cunning intellect allows the people of Tobisgothia and their king to outwit their enemies even before the battle begins.  As annoying as a fly on a summers day are the antics of the Tobisgothians.

The loudest king is also the largest.  His frame causes intimidation on sight alone.  His voice and physique are made small only by the massive ornate hammer he carries.  King Vertigoth and his people are a people of manufacture.  Their lands are rich in ore.  Using the power of the hammer this king has advanced his people ahead of the other nations.  Their kings send spies to the Vertigothians to steal their forging and hammer knowledge.  Though advanced, these people are simple.  There is nothing brute power cannot solve in Vertigothia.

The final of the kings has emerged as one with the largest kingdoms.  The people of Orisgothia combine the pure power of the Vertigothians with the finess and intellect of the Tobisgothians.  King Orisgoth has mastered the sword and with it tamed much of Carnin.  As are the other kings, King Orisgoth is large; a man of great strength.  Each of these kings has great power entrusted to them, each using it to control the people they rule.  Many of these kings crush their peasants into cruel labour to fuel the war machines.  These kings have made their great cities on the backs of the people who they once swore to protect, swore to serve.

There are people who live outside the walls of the great cities.  They live beyond the borders of the kingdoms.  These people, many escaped from the torture and slavery of the kings, make a humble existence in the great grass plains.  Their distance from the kings did not free them from their wrath, however.  The great kings had a disdain for those who opposed them and hated the people of the plains even more.  The wars and disputes between the kings were fought on the plains.  Armies took great pleasure in burning fields and villages as they fought their enemies.  Villagers were often traded as spoils of war.  None hated or used these people more than King Orisgoth.

These are the kings of Carnin, the great lords of their kingdoms.  These are the lands they once swore to protect.  Or, at the very least, this is how their people tell the legend.

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