Blogisode 6: The King’s Castle

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The greatest of these heroes lined the road from the gate to the palace.  This road is made completely of blistrar marble.  Nearly twice as wide as the gate it passes under.  A grand garden with small fountains and blistrar marble carvings creates a separation up the middle of the path.  Deep green well cut grass surrounds the path.  Banners of a multitude of colours line the path as you walk towards the palace.  Each statue is a carving of the great generals who led the Orisgothian armies through the years.  The first being the first general under King Orisgoth with the rest following in chronological order.  Tall flowering trees in groups stand over various meticulously well manicured gardens.  Their flowers and shrubs are collected from all parts of Carnin, many at the cost of a great many lives.  The King’s gardener and his crews care for the gardens under the constant threat of death.  A wilted or dying plant in the courts would most likely cost them their lives in turn.  The King’s plants and his appearances are worth far more than any of his simple subjects.

The palace of the king is truly unparalleled.  Many kings have tried to construct equally elaborate and complex castles to compete with no success.  The unique colour and beauty of blistrar when fused with construction elements surpasses that of gold inlays.  While the palace marble and its structure contain large sums of gold, it is the blistrar that keeps it above the castles of other kings.  The castle is a large circular structure with a great court at its center.  Designed as all palaces for beauty and defense it features many tall palisades and towers.  Constructed entirely from polished blistrar marble and rare cedar from the forests of the south.  Long thin banners of red and gold fly from the tops of many towers and two massive banners ornately lay out the stunning coat of arms for Orisgothia; A great lion perched atop mountains with the banners of other kings in its mouth.  A glowing blistrar sword is grasped firmly in its paws.  A crystal clear stream flows around the palace and into a prominent pond just outside the palace gates.  A carved and blistrar etched cedar bridge crosses the stream at the palaces entrance.  Small fish and plants can be seen in the stream.  The water in the pond overflows into a sewer which disappears into the depths of the blistrar mines.  It is this opulence that surrounds the castle.   Opulence that is only surpassed by the beauty that is the interior of the castle.  It seems the king is not content to cause you to pause breathlessly at the nature and beauty of his grounds.  Visitors who enter over the bridge and through the giant blistrar doors can do nothing but stand in awe.  Many have grown weak in the knees; lesser men who haven’t known the terrors of battle.  Generals and kings with hearts hardened from battle themselves feel like lesser men.  Hundreds of years of carving, scultpting, rebuilding and artwork have left for a masterpiece of architectural perfection.

King Orisgoth sat at the center of it all.  He holds court in an atrium at the very middle of his castle.  Forming a perfect circle around the court each floor of the castle has walkways that overlook the court.  The throne sits at the back southern most point of the court.  Atop a mound of blistrar and marble its carved from a block of pure blistrar.  The seat is stuffed with the wool and feathers of the finest and most pure animals.  Every month the material is removed and stuffed with new materials.  The laywers of deep red silks are interwoven to form a thick, lush surface.  The inner court was surrounded by many statues of the king, each one designed to strongly intimidate those in the company of the king.  A small pond with a fountain rests in the eastern part of the court.  It is surrounded by a few small trees some flower gardens and grass.  The sun shines in unopposed on clear days.  The roof of the court constructed of slats of cedar coated in steel blistrar alloy and hammered flat.  Each set of wooden slats are mounted on rails; wide at the base and growing smaller towards the middle.  The rails form a similar pattern to a wagon wheel, the center up of which is a massive blistrar glass window mounted in a round steel rail.  Steel rivets fasten leather strappings to the rooftop slats, each one overlapping the one below forming a slight domed shape.  During bad weather or raids servants climb to pulleys hidden in the roof around the structure and turn cranks.  These in turn drag the slats out over the rails forming a sturdy and secure roof over the courtyard.  The process is reversed on days of pleasant weather opening the courtyard below to the beauty of the warm sun.

King Orisgoth and his castle demonstrate how the kings of Carnin show their power and prominence.  Palaces of grandeur and great works of art and engineering are found in every city and place of importance.  As one king builds so another does also, but bigger.  Wars of construction are waged far more than wars of might, though often one leads to the other.  These are the state of affairs in our great land of Carnin.

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